Q8 - How can i improve my sleep - EN

Jul 18, 2023 10 mins read

How Can I Improve My Sleeping Habits?

Sleep - It's an essential, yet often neglected, component of every person's overall health and wellbeing. We've all faced the repercussions of a poor night's sleep: struggling to concentrate the next day, memory loss, feeling nauseous or dizzy, experiencing mood swings, lacking motivation, and more. Sleep is crucial for our bodies to function normally, and the quality of our sleep directly affects the quality of our waking life, including our productivity, emotional balance, brain and heart health, immune system, creativity, vitality, and even our weight. So, given its importance, how can we improve our sleeping habits?

The Importance of a Sleep Schedule

One of the fundamental steps in improving our sleep is establishing and adhering to a regular sleep schedule. This means choosing a specific time to go to bed and wake up every day, including weekends. Our bodies thrive on routine, and setting a consistent sleep schedule helps regulate our body's internal clock, known as our circadian rhythm. This, in turn, can help us fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

Nighttime Eating and Light Exposure

Another factor that can greatly affect our sleep is our eating habits. Try to stop eating at least 3 hours before bedtime. Eating too close to bedtime can lead to discomfort and indigestion, which can interfere with sleep. Avoid snacking, especially sugar-laden treats, at night. Sugar signals to the body that we need to be active, but at night, we are trying to rest, not be active.

Lighting also plays a big role in our sleep patterns. As night falls, our bodies naturally start to wind down. However, bright lights can signal to our bodies that it's still daytime, which can disrupt our internal body clocks. To prevent this, make use of soft lighting at night and avoid bright screens within 1-2 hours of bedtime. If you need to use electronic devices, consider investing in blue blocker glasses to minimize exposure to sleep-disrupting blue light.

Physical Activity and Room Temperature

Physical activity is another powerful sleep aid. Regular exercise, such as a brisk walk or a light jog, especially before sunset, can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper sleep. Exercise stimulates the body to secrete the stress hormone cortisol, which helps activate the alerting mechanism in the brain. This could be a reason why physical activity helps us stay awake during the day and sleep better at night.

Finally, consider the temperature of your bedroom. For most people, a slightly cool room contributes to better sleep. Our body temperature naturally drops to initiate sleep, so a cooler room can help facilitate this process. Try lowering your room temperature slightly and see if it helps improve your sleep.


Improving sleep is not an overnight task, but with persistence and the right habits, it's certainly achievable. If you find these tips helpful in improving your sleep, keep doing them. Repetition and consistency are key in forming new habits. Remember, your health and well-being are worth the effort. Embrace the changes and enjoy the benefits of a good night's sleep!