How Much Water Do I Need To Drink Per Day?
Determining the exact amount of water we need to drink per day is a complex task as it highly depends on each individual's circumstances and lifestyle. To understand this better, we need to understand the vital role water plays in our bodies.
Water is the primary solvent in our bodies. All our bodily functions, including metabolism, occur within a water environment. Metabolism, the process that involves trillions of chemical reactions every second, takes place in an aqueous environment. Therefore, the amount of water needed by your body to operate correctly is highly monitored by the brain.
The quantity of water currently in your body depends on many factors. One of the major factors is the outside temperature. If it's too hot, you will sweat and lose water, thus needing more water to replenish your body's reserves.
Diet also plays a significant role in determining your body's water needs. If you eat a lot of processed foods, you will need to drink a lot of water. Processed foods contain very small amounts of water and are full of toxins that your body would rather evacuate. The body does this using water and triggering thirst.
Another factor that influences your water intake is the balance of minerals or electrolytes in your body. An imbalance in our minerals can cause thirst or excess urination. The balance between our minerals or electrolytes, also known as salts, greatly influences how much water you need. Drinking too much water can dilute the concentration of certain minerals, causing instability in the body. This instability needs to be readjusted by urination, an activity that costs us energy we could otherwise use in other bodily processes.
Considering these factors, it's crucial to pay attention to the signals from our body. We should never ignore the trigger of thirst, and we must take this seriously. Ideally, we should drink water within 30 minutes of the signs to avoid potential damages to our cells. Cells need water to function correctly, and if they don’t have the necessary water, they can malfunction.
In addition to drinking water, your body’s real water requirements should ideally be satisfied by the type of food we consume. A wholefoods diet, with 75% plant-based wholefood, contains mostly water. Plants are over 70% water, with some even in the range of 90% to 95% water, like many fruits and some vegetables.
Consuming water through food is the safest and best way to consume water. The body can collect this water full of macronutrients, micronutrients like vitamins and minerals, and structured water. Structured water is a different type of water with a different structure and texture. It's a bit more jellylike than liquid, and it’s the type of water our body truly needs.
In conclusion, the amount of water we need to drink per day is determined by various factors such as the external temperature, our diet, and our body's mineral balance. By paying attention to our body's signals, consuming a healthy diet, and maintaining a balance of minerals in our body, we can ensure we provide our body with the water it needs to function optimally.