Q45 - What Causes Sickness - EN

May 13, 2024 11 mins read

What Causes Sickness? An Exploration of Body Imbalance

Sickness, a term that we dislike yet encounter frequently, is nothing but a representation of imbalance in our body. To understand sickness, we first need to recognize what constitutes health. Health is balance or, using a more technical term, homeostasis. Understanding the triggers that cause imbalance in our body can help us make lifestyle changes to improve our health.

A balanced state in the body is referred to as homeostasis. This intelligence of the body has the remarkable ability to self-regulate and maintain stability in constantly changing environmental conditions. However, for the body to maintain this balance, it keeps an eye on several key markers.

Key Markers of Body Stability

One of the most crucial markers of stability in our body is blood sugar levels. The body strives to maintain a blood sugar level in the blood between 4 and 6 millimoles per liter. To keep this level in check, the pancreas releases the insulin hormone when we go above 6 millimoles per liter or the glucagon hormone if the sugar level drops below 4 millimoles per liter.

Blood pressure is another significant marker for stability. Our body prefers a blood pressure of 120/80 millimeters of mercury. Variations above or below this mark can create imbalances. It's normal for blood pressure to fluctuate throughout the day. For instance, while we sleep, our blood pressure will be lower, and as we wake up, it will increase. Other factors that influence body stability include water and mineral levels, body temperature, the pH of our body, and many more.

The Role of Lifestyle

The body works hard to maintain the required levels per marker, and this is where lifestyle becomes critical. Our behaviors can cause changes in these factors. For example, jogging will increase heart rate and blood pressure to accelerate the delivery of oxygen to the cells. Consuming highly processed foods will increase the blood sugar levels. Therefore, our actions have a significant impact on how the body maintains stability.

When we are young, our bodies maintain these levels with minimal effort due to the fast metabolism of youth. Adjustments happen quickly. However, as we age, our metabolism becomes more sluggish, making it necessary to monitor our behaviors and avoid those that cause imbalances in the body. Factors such as diet, hydration, sleep patterns, exercise routines, stress management techniques, and even breathing contribute to homeostasis. Our stability is as steady as our habits. Good habits will create a stable body, while bad habits will lead to an unstable body, which is defined as sickness.

It's important to note that some diseases are caused by genetic issues, which are unrelated to lifestyle. However, the focus here is primarily on sickness caused by our behaviors, which represent the majority of our health problems.


In conclusion, understanding the triggers of imbalance in our bodies and making necessary lifestyle changes can help maintain body stability, or homeostasis. As we age and our metabolism slows down, it's even more critical to adopt good habits. Remember, good habits equate to a healthy body, and bad habits lead to sickness. By being mindful of our behaviors, we can play an active role in preventing sickness and promoting our overall health.
